Discord 1 message always stays?


Hey how can you do that at Discord in a text channel where everyone can write something in, the first message is always the same? An example is the Fortnite Germany server under the text channel # channel management. I can't program Python so it has to be done by an existing bot. Or does anyone know of a website where you upload your finished codes (i.e. Only the programming as text) so that I can simply copy and paste them into my paste? Or can someone code something short that in a certain channel always deletes all messages that have been written in, except the pinned ones (I think it goes well with "! Purge 1000")


You can choose to write a specific one after each message.


Where can i customize that?


Just pin the message!


Yes of course but then it is not the first message in the chat


I would have a good idea, but then you would have to tell me whether all possible messages can be sent in this channel or just e.g. Commands?


Only commands e.g. All messages with "!" start and the rest will be deleted