I would like to have a gaming PC with which I can play games like Fortnite, Minecraft, FallGuys, … At the same time, the PC should also be able to record the game for YouTube videos. Unfortunately, I don't know my way around that well, so my question is whether someone could recommend a PC or put it together. The PC should perform so much that I can play fluently in e-sports in Fortnite. The Pc should also have the option of connecting and recording a PS4 or switch via capture card. It should also be possible to cut videos and create thumbnails with the PC.
So basically I'm looking for a good gaming / work / Youtube PC in the price range of a maximum of 600/700 euro
I would be very happy if someone can help me.
Finished PC: https://www.dubaro.de/GAMING-PC/Gamer-PC-Ryzen-5-2600-mit-GTX1660Super::3333.html
DIY PC: https://geizhals.eu/?cat=WL-1702371
That is enough
^ this
What does that mean?
Bad price only 8gb Ram…
My offer costs even with 1660 super / Windows / more memory / more Ram 640 euro
For your requirements
I can upgrade the pc bit by bit, right?
In return, my recommendation includes a significantly better power supply, better CPU and a larger SSD.
Yes. (Possibly upgrade the graphics card with this configuration)
700 euro for the finished PC?
Ok, thank you very much, and can I really get to 190 fps? Seems a little too much to me😅
The same CPU even if you upgrade everything, it costs less with Windows
Well, a few hundred more would not be bad for the requirements but I think he should do the packing -> https://hardwarerat.de/...a-ssd?c=78
to capture external sources you need a capture card, eg -> https://www.amazon.de/...015E3OT54/
Is yours better than this?
No… Both don't take much
So it doesn't matter which one I take?
The GTX1660 is sometimes slightly better
I can also upgrade yours without any problems, right?
Yes of course