Looking for a finished gaming PC that fortnite can run diligently on it. It should cost up to 790 euro…
ps. I'm not at all familiar with PCs
First, find out about PCs and what you want to use your PC for, watch videos.
Round again to the nearest thousand and then that thing is more future proof LOL
Get one at HardwareRat
What a?
https://hardwarerat.de/...g-pcs/?p=1 here you can pick one for your price range, it would be the one for 730 euro, but I would recommend getting the one for 819 euro, the processor is better and the hard drive is twice as big.
However you come up with this crooked sum, you can either take the: https://hardwarerat.de/...-windows-1 or collect a few returnable bottles and you would have a much more powerful processor:
More recommendable is the intel 800 at hardware advice, which is a bit cheaper, but just as fast when gaming
Right, I sometimes forget that they have an extra section for Intel PCs
I've already told tim that no one thinks about it, but that doesn't change anything ^^