Minecraft, Fortnite, Roblox or LOL?


Which of the games do you like the most or would you most likely play?
Minecraft, Fortnite, Roblox or LoL (League of Legends)


Together with Roblox the greatest freedom of possibilities, but in my opinion has the better design / community


Actually none of these games, because I prefer something like WoW, Gothic, Elderscrolls, Deus Ex, Max Pain etc - but if I only have these to choose from, Minecraft is more likely. Although I think Valheim is a better alternative here.


Apart from the fact that I don't know Roblox, they are all 3 different games (all 3 already played) and currently LOL is definitely my favorite


I think it's best because you have one of the best online communities (imo) that is very creative and also brings up new ideas


I would prefer Minecraft because you can play it in a variety of ways, but also use it. For example, you can easily mod it. But the gaming experience can also be very varied. For example, you can never actually quit Minecraft. You can defeat all final bosses. But you can't really finish the game. And I also like the principle itself. But ultimately everyone has to decide for themselves.


I have my answer, yes.


Among other things, yes.

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