I just want to play Fortnite and Fifa and do something for the school on the side. (HOBBYGAMER) which one should I get, send left!
Better look at Otto.de because you will definitely find it for the price.
Yes, but don't know what is good now. Can you pick something good for me
Your budget is pretty tight, I have to say.
It would definitely be great for school and some gaming. It should be enough for fortnite and Fifa.
But please, none from Otto.de, you won't be happy with that. At least in the price range
Moin, my first question is do you want to build it yourself? I think you are competent enough to build it yourself, I recommend the website HardwareDealz.com and the link for a PC (600 euro) https://www.hardwaredealz.com/bester-gaming-pc-fuer-unter-600-euro-gamer-pc-bis-600-euro with this PC you could play Fortnite at 115 FPS on Full HD.
You can buy almost all of the parts at alternate my compilation → https://www.alternate.de/PC/PC-Konfigurator#!/components
and you can get the Radeon RX 580 8GB extra from Saturn → https://www.saturn.de/...75822.html
Would cost a total of 733.57 euro, you could also use slightly cheaper parts, but finished PCs are simply too expensive until now, because the parts have been around for a long time, if you would want to use a current PC with, for example, an RTX 3090 etc., then you should you use a ready-made PC because they are usually cheaper than assembling it yourself, but with old parts, ready-made PCs are always expensive
with finished PCs there are only very expensive PCs
The Radeon RX is currently not available from alternate, therefore from Saturn
With the budget I would use this system here: