What's new in Fortnite?


What was introduced with the new season?


Doom's Domain

Pleasant Park has been changed a bit and now you can find various mythical superhero weapons there. There's also a safe.

Avengers jets

It's now also in Fortnite. Usually there are about five bots with special laser weapons that you can only get there.


The normal shotgun is back, but the tactical shotgun is gone and some other weapons as well. New is the fire trap, silenced submachine gun, tactical submachine gun, revolver, combat shotgun and boogie bomb. There are also jumping surfaces and bandage cannons, but jump pads, stink bombs and hunting rifles are gone.


Boxes now only spawn with a 50-70% probability, previously it was always 100%.


A new fishing rod and several fish have also been added.


Cars and helicopters are now also in Arena and the damage from assault rifles has been increased slightly.


Thank you

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