Fortnite strong FPS drops after upgrading to better hardware?

- in Hardware

I had my PC converted a few days ago and had a new housing and some new things installed. Now I've been busy for 2 days to set something so that my FPS get better in Fortnite. I always had at least between 160-200 FPS with my old PC and now I always have strong FPS drops which eventually lead to "lagging" or it feels like this. The FPS are currently only at max 120 but mostly below 100. Describe here my old and new hardware:

Old: (HP Pavilion Gaming 690-0018 NG)


AMD Ryzen 7 1700X eight-core processor


Radeon RX 580 Series

I'm an absolute layperson, so I'm hoping for a helpful answer.

With Fortnite I have exactly the same settings as with the old PC (everything low except for medium visibility)

And with Radeon settings, almost everything is deactivated and set low.

By the way, my sound has also become quieter and everything is set to max.


On which settings do you try?


As written, just like with the old hardware, everything on low out of sight on medium & in the Radeon settings everything deactivated or low.


Yes keep your eyes open when buying a pc


Can you read?


You have also built in a worse processor than the one you had before.

In addition, Fortnite seems to have been updated in the past few days, which causes performance problems for many people.


Hmm. So it could be the processor? Hope Fortnite is to blame.

Can you do anything in bios? And maybe it is because I have connected 2 monitors, and the actual main monitor in the display settings "Monitor 2" is used as the main display?

Hope the questions were understandable, slow to despair.


And another question, which processor would you recommend?


The processor is a bit slower than your previous one. I don't know why you bought it.

At most you could overclock in the BIOS, nothing else.

It won't be on the monitor. Can you see what happens when you pull the cable out of the second monitor.


The 1700x is not bad now, it's okay. But your previous one was just better, so I don't understand the change.


But that it really is such an extreme difference that I can't even play fortnite anymore? Somehow believe that it is something else because the processor is not that bad. Hadn't bought it was my brother's old one.


Your CPU was 10% faster in gaming