FPS drops with a 2080super?

- in Hardware

I have FPS drops in fortnite when I'm in a build fight in a solo game, for example, when there was a lot of building but e.g. In creative mode when I play with friends I don't have any FPS drops, it's only in the normal game or, for example, when I land where there are many buildings, the lag is a bit too and increases from 200 fps to 40 and then back to 200 but it still lags I don't know what it is, but it may be because of the see picture. And the graphics card is always used to 50% or more.

Pc specs

I9 10900k 5.1 GHz

Tridentz royal 3200mhz 32 gb

Rtx 2080 great

1tb nvm SSD

1000 watt power supply

And yes, I also play other games, but I only have the FPS drops in fortnite

FPS drops with a 2080super FPS drops with a 2080super - 1

This is most likely because Fortnite simply has a bad (/ badly optimized) engine. I've heard many people say that and I can agree with that from my own experience.


This is simply due to Fortnite, the game has never been known to be particularly stable in more stressful situations.


So that something is missing from the contacts is unusual, but should not cause a loss in performance.

Could it be that programs are still running in the background?

Even without a complex surface, something like this can "fill up" the card.

Otherwise it is possible that one of the graphic sets on the card has a kink. Then some computing power is lost. The stupid thing is that you can't see such errors.


Regarding the shortened pins: It has to be so that you can contact us later.


I don't have such a good PC but in fortnite it happens to me very often, but if you try a little with the graphics settings it could stop so at least it worked for me


Stupid comment…

the short pin belongs so…