Buy a CPU or GPU?

- in Hardware

I want to buy new parts for my PC this week. I have a 1070 ti and a Ryzen 5 2600 right now, but I have severe stuttering (FPS drops) in Fortnite or sometimes in Warzone, and I don't know what the reason may be. I recently got myself new RAM (3200 MHZ 16gb ddr4 crucial ballistix), new mainboard (b540M Steel Legend), new case (Thermaltake level20MT), new power supply (600 Watt comfortably) and even a water cooling system from Cooler Master (because I actually was planning to buy a new CPU.)

Why is it that I sometimes have such strong FPS drops?

Friends of mine said that my GPU was okay because they didn't see anything strange in the Task Manager while I was playing (the load remained the same MAX 20% and the temp MAX 76 degrees) but with the CPU, the load is sometimes increased very much, I think it was AVG 65% (sometimes even 90%)


I would personally improve the Ryzen 5 2600. But a little tip on how you can get around 40 FPS more in all games:

Download Minecraft,

and delete Fortnite!


Graphics driver up to date?

Played with the in-game settings? Times graphics up or down? What about Vsync? Is it on or off? Are there any differences when you turn it on or off?

You can play around with the graphics settings for now.

It would also be important to know if it is the same in other games.

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