Lag. Cpu or Gpu?

- in Hardware

I have in many games "too few" fps. Some have more fps on youtube with the same setup than me.

I asked in a computer forum, why that would be. It was meant to be my cpu and the bad mainboard. Say alleged cooling problems. I do not think so. In msi afterburner it came out in bo3 that my cpu always downclocked. But in others do not play like fortnite. At least not from 100 to 0. I'm not a professional in the field.

amd fx 8350 gpu gtx 970

since some days I have the problem, that the change in youtube, from the small picture on full screen "long" needs and as soon as I place of 1080p on 1440p, lay the videos.

it comes to me just yet: if I pull a video in vegas pro in the timeline, it takes some days, longer until the tips are built, say until the video has been loaded to edit finished and also the rendering takes twice as long as usual (which sounds like the cpu, I think).

What does that sound like? Cpu or gpu? Or both?

RAM was checked by me and pc heinis. Just like everything else. Only the cpu was probably not properly checked by myself for errors / defects.


That's the great thing about the GTX 970, because of the extremely slow "last" 500 MB VRAM, the card is virtually useless for higher resolutions.

That is, you can barely escape the bottleneck caused by your CPU through higher resolutions.

The CPU itself is also a thermal power plant. If you do not have a decent cooler, then your CPU can't handle high clock rates, which are necessary for the CPU to be reasonably usable for gaming.


No wonder! The AMD FX is not good. You need a better CPU.

Because even my 20 Euro Quadro2000 graphics card with 1GB and Intel Xeon CPU has worked wonderfully for me Youtube itself. Or even with my Samsung Book Tablet with Windows 10 Intel M3 CPU 7generation Youtube running smoothly there. So I think since your CPU is so bad, he does not tolerate GeForce and that's why it comes to laggs. For now you have two options: Either choose a suitable graphics card or get ne better CPU.

I'm asking, why do almost all cheap gaming PC have either AMD FX or AMD Athlon? I think weird.


It is actually on the CPU! The old AMD FX processors are just not that good. They are just too hot under load (gaming, Youtube, …). You get that even with a good cooling your hard to handle.

In the first step you urgently need a new CPU. I recommend, for example Ryzen 5 2700. In the price segment, AMD is simply better than intel. But there's also a new motherboard due, because the socket no longer fits. In addition, there's a new RAM, because currently only DDR4 is supported. Then probably a new power supply with at least 500 watts.

All in all, you just need a new computer. The graphics card and hard drive (s) you can keep.

I hope this helps.



(your computer guru)