On which mobile phone for less than 150 euro can you play Fortnite?


I want to try Fortnite on my mobile phone but don't want to invest a lot of money for it


You're late fn doesn't work on the cell phone at least with apple but on android I think there was something too and when I would recommend an honor 9x or something in the direction


With apple it doesn't work but with android it just doesn't work in the google play store


Counter question… Which really reasonably good cell phones are there for less than 400 euro? With 150 euro I don't even have to start…


Even this does not even have to be mandatory. There are certainly usable devices for around 150 euro, but here the question arises whether you will have fun with this when it comes to the aspect of performance.


That anyway.


If you were to add 50 euro, it would be easily possible.


The recommended minimum requirements are quite marginal, but this certainly includes low settings as well as with regard to 30fps.

Would maybe put 15 euro on top and would rather advise and grab the

On which mobile phone for less than 150 euro can you play Fortnite

https://www.ebay.de/...4494505521 Even more recommendable would be the new https://www.po.co/de/ with Snapdragon 860, which offers more than enough reserves and is available from 199 euro.