How can you snip someone stream in fortnite?


I wanted to snipe a friend stream because he did that to me. But unfortunately I don't know how to do it? Can someone explain that?


You look when he goes into a match and then you do it at the same time. There's no guarantee.


Streamsniping means: When you watch a streamer (Twitch, for example) at Fortnite and follow him because of the stream that you see and then defeat him. THAT is StreamSnipen

This is unfair and then this should have been your friend for the longest time. Sorry My opinion


But how can I go into the same match?


I don't know about Fortnite. But another has already written that happiness is


Ok thanks 👍

OBS Stream has Fr Front45
Fortnite Streamsnipe ban? De Delaneyaugustine