What just happened to the temperature?


So first I used a Wi-Fi repeater to connect the Lan cable to my PC for the first time. Then I start fortnite and my temperatures go to almost 90 degrees even though I never have 70 or 75 and only noticed after 3 minutes or so. Then I shut down the PC and put the LAN cable away. Then I played again and my temperatures were wonderful again

My question: is it bad that I played at almost 90 degrees for a few minutes?

Could it be because of the LAN cable that came from the repeater?


It was apparently due to the cable, but 90 degrees are completely ok. The temperatures should not exceed 95-105 degrees.


Yes. But mine never gets hotter than 65 except Fortnite


I don't know what a LAN cable has to do with the higher temperature of the PC. As long as you don't wrap a 50m cable around your PC that shouldn't make a difference. Very mysterious…

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