(14) Why do I hate my generation so much?


I've heard from my brother lately how great his childhood was. He had a best friend with whom he has always watched children's series on RTL 2. Every time they both came from the school they had a meeting in front of the telly to see the current episode of Naruto. I do not have to imagine how the feelings were shared. Or when they went out to play football together outside.

I think I'm starting to realize that life, it just does not happen anymore and it makes me sad. I just imagine how great my life would have been if I was just born about 10 years ago. My childhood could have been so much better. But no, today it is not spoken in schools of the latest series or a day. But it is about Fortnite, computer games, popular people, etc. Spoken.

That just makes me sad.


OMG television is already good old natural life. ò.ó


So I'm 23 - so about 10 years older - in my time there was no Fortnite, but Pokemon. There were also computer games back then: no Gta V, but Gta San Andreas. And there were also popular people back then…


I do not understand the question somehow, in the past we were told "you're in front of the TV all day and you're just on the phone or mobile" today it's "you're just gambling" every generation has its pros and cons… If you do more want, then do it. There are clubs or what was also very popular with us at the time are youth clubs (there are many friends who also have the same interests). There are also cool youth jobs where you can improve your pocket money and you learn something for life, who Making money can afford something or treat yourself… Be creative and do something about your boredom instead of acidifying it