How long does Fortnite Ban take?


I started the cheat and wanted to start fortnite. But then came the message: to prevent a ban close botte the cheat and the game.

I did it too. But now if I want to log in: you have been MOMENTAN banned. How long does this ban go?


Get in touch with Epic Games support, they can tell you exactly how long the ban will last.


It depends on why you were banned:

Cheat, teaming, game exploitation and much more

In your case, it's Cheating, I can assure you that you'll be banned forever. What I think in my opinion as well Cheaten just messed up the fun of others.


If you have really cheated, your ban is forever. That's a good thing too, because cheating is very unfair and it ruins the fun of others. Even in 100 years, your account will still be blocked!


well i ran a script that i assume was patched before I got banned


I had a cheat program but never used it at all, and I still got banned


yeah thats what happened to me i got logged out after a day or 2 for cheating just for having the software downloaded but i never actually used it at all.


but is saied i was banned for 24 hours and tnow it has been 24 hours and it still says banned

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