Hello which arguments did you use to convince your parents that you can play Fortnite?


Hi, I want to convince my parents to bring me Fortnite. I'm 13 and have a PS4. Does anyone have arguments for me?


Is it free?

just download it.

You won't find any arguments because your parents think you will sit in front of it all day.

what you can try is:

Tell them that you are more involved in school, i.e. You deliver 1,2,2 minus grades and you can play for that.

Anderseum you have to say that your parents expect you to write good grades anyway


Download it and if your parents come into the room then quickly turn it off.

Or you just love to ask.


Okay I'm happy not to be the first one… So it was with me that I asked if I could play a fighting game (due to a misunderstanding that was intentional ^^ … Would say too much mentalist looked) and then said that it is free and 2 from 12 onwards… Nofmaller white I'm not allowed to play shooter games… At least when she came in she said that she didn't like the jz… Then I brought her the same arguments and also said that it is completely harmless and also as a cartoon and without blood… As nothing violent… Then she thought yes for a day

To be honest, I tricked her on purpose and she knows it… Now that I think about it, I don't think it's okay… Like some things in life…


By the way, I'm m14


The comment is nice😂😂