My friend hit me. What should I do?


Hi, I'm Mia and I'm 15 years old. My boyfriend is also 15. I went to see him today and he played Fortnite with his boys as always. It really annoys me because when I'm with him, he can spend time with me. I admit, I annoyed him the whole time, but not badly but rather playful because I wanted to spend time with him. Then he was annoyed the whole time and said I should piss off. I didn't stop and at some point he gave me a slap. I then had to cry and went home.

He's apologized to me in the meantime, but I'm still mad. I'm seriously considering telling my big brother so that he'll know what to do. The thing is, my brother is 17 and would probably rip him apart. He also does martial arts.

What should I do?


Hey Mia so you mustn't let that go through you, nobody has the right to hit you!

I would break up with him and in any case talk to your brother about it. This is not possible, nobody who really loves you does that!


Yeah, I'll tell my brother that and break up


If I were you, I would talk to your friend about the matter. That it wasn't okay with him. But you too could have held back a little. I wouldn't say anything to your brother at first.

I can advise you to talk to your friend about it. My wife and I do it that way too. If there's a problem, no matter what, we talk about it openly and honestly. After that the thing is chopped off and nobody is angry or something anymore. It works very well with us.


How you deal with it is up to you.
I would forgive him for now. I think telling your brother would be wrong because it would probably make the whole situation worse and it might even lead to a breakup.


Stop playing the nerve goat and push yourself when your friend wants to do something else. Don't you have any friends to meet?

you don't need a friend as fooled as you are. First get a little more mature, and the guy who ignores you when you are around doesn't need to be at all.

leave your brother out of the game - that is your business alone. Get done with what YOU have done YOURSELF. Break it up - ready and don't let yourself be seen at this or the click.

Martial arts would also bring you something - you would then know what to do with your excess energy


So, I would think similarly to Diana093023 and Ichbinich01 for that matter.

For me and my friend, it works much better with open and honest speeches about differences of opinion.

I admit that I have annoyed my boyfriend at times or do it out of boredom or when I want something from him, but rather in a nice way. What He does with me now and then, when He wants something from me. But we're adults and don't hit each other, it's more of a sketch.

Rarely that one of us is annoyed by the other person.

You can agree when you have time for love = the boyfriend / girlfriend, because the togetherness should not be neglected either.

I don't think it's a reason to break up. But you should think about your behavior and He should speak out about his behavior and you both and then apologize, because you both reacted wrongly to the other, from my point of view.

Say you didn't respect him when he wanted to hang out with his buddies and tried to force him to hang out with you. Thought that if I anger him, he'd lose interest in gambling with his buddies. But that welds him together with his buddies even more then, the fun of playing. Say getting angry is the wrong way to get someone else's attention. If you had accepted him, it would not have come to that.

He hit you because he felt disturbed and didn't want you there when he wanted to have fun with his buddies. Instead of telling you nice, please give me my time with my buddies, we can spend time alone and for two to meet tomorrow, he overreacted and hit you and rejected you with piss off. You don't actually hit girls / women.

Sure, you can also tell your brother or ask him if he can help you to clarify the matter with your friend, which would be the better way in my opinion.

But I think hitting or threatening your big brother with him that he gets in the face would be the wrong way to solve the problem. Just talk to his brother and ask if you can punch my friend in the face so that he can finally come to his senses. That really doesn't bring you anything, your brother definitely doesn't want to be charged with bodily harm and you certainly don't want to be charged with incitement. It could block the future for you or there could be social hours. Think a little ahead.

Later you will regret your decision if you break up with him now, because you will definitely miss something in life, if you are lucky, he thinks like you and you might make a fresh start. But it can also be that he is then no longer interested in you and thinks, my girlfriend just annoys me, I don't feel like her anymore and I'm happy to have more fun and time with my buddies again. The odds would then be 50 to 50 for you. I hope you understand what they are trying to tell you. It can change your life a lot, being single is not so nice when you've been in a relationship for a long time.

If your friend is a gentleman, He will apologize to you on his own accord for his wrongdoing in hitting you.

Kindness can really help to keep the relationship going, even if you have a different opinion than the other.

I have a boyfriend myself, but he's grown up and very mature, I'm grown up too and neither of us would do that.