Can I be reported? (Account)?

- in Account

I sold a Fortnite account a few months ago, on instagram.

However, due to data that may be stored in the account, I have had concerns and would like to take it back.

I wrote to the new owner and asked if it would be okay if I took the account away because of the above concerns. He said it's okay, because he has other anyway.

Now my question, if I take the account away, can he then show me even though he himself agreed? Or would I have to pay him the money back (15 euro) what should I do or what do you think?


I would like to point out that the story is fictitious!

It is only used for the purpose of knowing about the subject field.


Nothing happens, everything ok.

But you should think about what you are doing in advance.


Since you both traded illegally, it is unlikely that one of you will tell the other who is shooting himself in the knee.


I guess he'll assume you'll pay him back the money.


We're 13, I practically gave it to the fortnite acc for pocket money (I know it from school)


(By the way, I would like to point out that the whole story, as mentioned above, is fictitious and only serves for our own knowledge.)


You can report anyone for any shice. However, there must be a criminal offense, which I can't see here. Only those who are of criminal age can be punished for a criminal offense. This can also be denied, as you are not of criminal age at 13.


As mentioned below:

(By the way, I would like to point out that the whole story, as mentioned above, is fictitious and only serves for our own knowledge.)


Regardless of whether it was invented or not. That doesn't change anything about my statement.