How can I play Fortnite again (HWID ban)?

- in Account

Well, I just cheated on an old account and was then banned. Now I wonder how I can play Fortnite normally again without being banned. So I logged into my main account after using an HWID spoofer and I also changed my IP and was still kicked out of the circle (of course I didn't cheat). As far as I don't know, I was banned because it is always the case that you are first kicked out of the circle and then you can start another round and then you are only banned, but I never started this second round and therefore I can't know whether I will 100% banned because I no longer dare to go to the account because the account is worth a lot to me. And yes I know that it was very stupid to cheat at all but when I cheated I was at a point where I thought that I would never play Fortnite again, well I thought…


Tchja cheating is punished. Even for a long time as you can see.

I would just start the round and accept my fate.


Well when I start this round I will be banned for sure and that permanently…


What can I say. You rode yourself into that. You can't turn it off anyway.


I don't see any possibility.


Get a new computer 😅


Do you think I can play on the same account again on another PC?


I don't know, I'm sorry


Yo would have to make a new account. Hope this helps.

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