Graphics card only 30 degrees warm?

- in Hardware

Unzwar my graka (GTX 1060 6gb) is only 30 degrees warm and increases if I fortnite open on 40 (tested with MSI afterburner) I wonder why that is because it does not rise to 60-70. Can someone help me? I do not know what I did wrong

CPU: i5 6500


So a low temperature means little stress and a low temperature is good as it is too high temp. Overheated and thus damaging the map arises you do not have to worry at present only if the temp is too high so between about 75 to the max temp 94 is too low or about 25 to 20 then it is probably beschächdigt or broken


Yes, but I do not have as much fps as I used to


Is this video card currently being used in Fortnite, and are its fans running during gameplay?

Which GTX 1060 do you have exactly, and how much is it used during gameplay? (Visible with "Nvidia-Inspector")

However, 40 degrees under load normally can't be balanced under load with an average GTX 1060, if there's not a particularly potent radiator on it, and the fans do not run permanently at maximum speed regardless of temperature.

Check to see if the card is still running properly under 3D.


MSI GeForce GTX 1060 6GB GPU GP106-A Revision A1 BIOS Deskop: Temperature: 29 degrees Power: 4.8% Speed: 1046rpm

Graphics card only 30 degrees warm

If the only draws 4.8% of the power limit, then the card is probably idle and therefore is not warm.
Have you since the clock frequencies adjusted something? In the Afterburner's, to my knowledge, there's also the possibility to reset the default values.
One more point: Your CPU has an integrated graphics chip. Could it be that it runs on the integrated graphics card? Usually when starting the programs in the right-click menu there's the option to choose the graphics adapter.


Check your PSU sometimes it does not have enough power


Your graphics card is not a car engine… If she stays too cold because she does not have to work so hard, that does not matter. On the contrary. That's a good thing. Anyway, that little fortnite does not really challenge her… So you still have good power reserves. All good.