Can I get a finished PC that can do 144 FPS in Fortnite for 500 euro?

- in Hardware

I'm looking for a site where I can buy a finished gaming PC for 500-550 euro that constantly creates 144 FPS in Fortnite on low settings. Building it myself is not an option for me.


If DIY is not an option, you will have to fall back on used models.

What you get on fully configured computers is usually neither the yellow of the egg nor the price for which it is sold.

Here is an example for 500 euro

And then we talk about the minimal configuration of the PCs.

Also play with what resolution you play.

FullHD? Then it can be enough, but it doesn't have to be.

More than FullHD? Then you have to plan more than 500 euro.

Why is DIY not an option?


he should make it low… If not, you have to add a second 8GB Ram RAM


Hi, get me some components soon and assemble my pc.

My pc will cost around 1200 and then I will mainly play Fortnite and get the 200 fps.

If you can get a good price-performance ratio and don't use RGB, it could work.


So first of all thanks for the answer. Doing it yourself is not an option because I really have no idea about the PC parts, and I don't think I can do it without videos, unless you tell me that I can do it completely without any knowledge. Can I get all components for 500 euro to keep Fortnite constant on low settings 144 FPS? Then I would think about building it myself again. I watched a PC from HardwareDealz on Youtube and he put together a ready-made PC that costs 500 - 550 euro in terms of the components, but he assembles it himself and that is without any used parts, just with an extra cost of 100 euro for assembling Is it worth it if I really don't have a plan for PC components?


It all depends on the computer he put together.

However, the topic of PC assembly is relatively easy to get into.

If you want to get the most out of your money, you will come across a relatively large community.

As comparison:

The computer for ~ 450 euro has the same CPU, but twice as much RAM, a mainboard with which you can upgrade the CPU to the next generation, an SSD and a much better graphics card.

There are also dedicated Discordservers for PC hardware, which people who are new to the topic are on hand with help and advice.


It's impossible without RGB


If you overclock everything here that can only be overclocked, then it will do it:


That's right Haha


It's best to take an old laptop and carefully stick a few LED stripes on it, maybe you can still replace the headsink with an RGB fan. Then you can easily achieve 300 FPS!


Think I'll do that, thank you