How to become better at Fortnite?

- in Hardware

I have only started with fortnite since the beginning of season 8 and since then I play a lot and over but I will not get any better! I've looked at many videos with tips, but that does not help. I also adapted the sensitivity of the mouse and I also know how to build it, but somehow it is very difficult for me especially in melee because I'm killed very quickly. Do you have any tips how this could change?


You have to hide until there are only a few left…


PS: So far, not a single epic victory except the group wedges but that's something else


But that does not make me any better: /


If you have not done so far, that will be an increase.

Tactics are also important.

Otherwise only exercise and good hardware make the master.


Okay thanks!


You always have to land in Tilted and go for it all. You will always die, but if you go through that, you will get better. And do not hide. Always stay in motion and as soon as you're steps you go on it. Only practice makes perfect. If you play long every day, you'll get better faster too. So gamble a lot, always tilted and always go for it!


Thanks that helped me a lot!


Always happy. Incidentally, group wedges also help. There you can then test and improve your "melee skills".


Yes, I play every day