2,000 euro PC but 60 FPS?

- in Hardware

I recently bought a gaming PC for about 2,000 euro, and playing the video game Fortnite at the beginning I was able to change the FPS all the time, but now the FPS always stays at a sum of 60 no matter if I set 144 FPS or unlimited. In any case, it is not the monitor (144 Hz). And in the beginning, I've come up to 550 FPS unlimited in Fortnite, I've got FPS laggs all the time, and so on.

Graphics card: RTX 2070

Processor: Intel Core i7 8700k

Can someone help me please?


Maybe you enabled freesync or gsync? If you monitor 144hz but only 60fps are displayed, it is clear that it jerky


You have 60 FPS and FPS lags? That contradicts…

What is this FPS-delusion today? I keep hearing only FPS, the best should be thousands of them… What should that bring?


Yes, I have how can I change this


If you have 1000hz monitor? Ne fun ka


Can you please tell me how to make freesync or gsync? Is everything then normal again?


Do you have amd or nvidia graphics card?


RTX 2070 so nvidia


Congratulations to the electronic waste. It was better than scrapping it.

There are certainly PC constellations for well under 800 euro, where the game would run smoothly.

• Current drivers? Possibly. Disable / reduce your graphics performance in the game and other effects… SuperFetch and Prefetch → disable functions in Win… Running background applications? WLAN or LAN?

Other network devices active?

In addition, 60 FPS are also OK. Because a human eye can only handle up to about 20 frames per second in the brain ^^


Ok then you go now to yt and give NVIDIA disable gsync 😉


I love a over everything, if nothing is called hardware, but only the price, totally cool!

And maybe sync v sync disable.


Constant 60 FPS is liquid. Anyone who pays 2000 euro just to play a brightly colored children's game has enough money anyway.
The statement that the human brain can only process 20 FPS is nonsense. Man does not look in FPS. 20 FPS is about the limit at which a person does not perceive a picture sequence as such, but as a continuous animation.


He also said pictures per second:-)


That's the same as fps.


Well, I differentiate here between analog pictures per second (that's how the human eye works) and digital FPS (that's how the screen works). That's why 25 FPS look so jerky, although the human eye can perceive only 25 analog images per second…


The human eye does not work with analog images per second and can't only perceive 25 of them.


Rather? Now maybe I'm learning something new…



and various other pages and explanations. Optimize / reduce something just your settings is good.


It's all about when something looks fluid. This does not mean that one does not perceive differences beyond that, or generally sees in pictures per second.

To ask how many frames per second you can see is how to ask how many frames per second a mirror reflects.


Oh, oh, again, the "the human eye perceives only 25 frames per second" rumor


I tried that, but it still does not work


Yes, how do we see then? Please to enlightenment…


As we see analog. The brain interprets light reflections in real time.


Then I'm out


Well, the topic seems a bit more complex:-)



That with the 20 pictures @ Human Eye is nonsensical

Our eye does not see a number in a number of pictures and when it looks in the middle with 17 and on the edge with over 70 pictures…

You can only do that unfortunately Unfortunately not on video games about coins


Question: HOW COULD THIS PC COST 2000 euro?

If possible, give back and build yourself. And grab AMD.


Of course there was an ultra curved 35 inch monitor (Predator z35, value: 999 euro)


Oh. But take a RX 5700XT anyway. Costs less and is stronger