Crash after games?

- in Hardware

I have a problem with my PC.

I upgraded my PC with Intel i5-4440 from GTX630 to GTX1060 6gb OC.

And we would need a new power supply that I did. Now, the pc is synonymous but the problem is if I start fortnite crashes the pc. I said that is the power adapter has the 450W and the seller said that the graphics card should have 400W. What do you say can you help me?


No, that's not it. 450 watts are enough.


Ok, what else can it be?


No, the power adapter is enough. The 400watt is the indication that the power supply should make if you build this video card but there are also all other components involved. This is such a Pi times thumbs worth.
The card and the processor would even have a 350 watt power adapter. What can be is the Ram makes problems or Vlt but the power supply is defective but that it is too weak is not true


Hard to say, can be a lot.


Theme has been done! My processor had too little power.