I have a question about this CPU?

- in Hardware

I played Fortnite now I uninstalled it because it was the only PC game that was not working properly.

My system:

Rx 570 8gb

Ryzen 3 1200

8GB DDR4 Ram

B350M motherboard

If I look at the tests with the ryzen 3 1200 and the rx570, then the game runs perfectly, I do not understand. Everybody runs with the ryzen 3 1200. That's why I wonder why I had these 20 FPS drops in Fortnite. That's how it was season X Since I have uninstalled Fortnite, but I still wonder why that was. Does any of you know an answer?


How warm is your CPU playing?


85 degrees. Definitely in this area.


The problem occurs very often with the new season

Fortnite breaks himself down


I also overclocked to 3.45 GHz.


You're right, too


Can yes update driver times and bios maybe that brings something


From a certain temperature, the Ryzen CPUs automatically clock much slower to protect the CPU from overheating. Sometimes it works better without overclocking than with.


OK then I'll try it


First, pay attention to the temperatures.

The over 90 * c are, you should look there.

Then look in the Task Manager, if anything is 100% busy. For example, the RAM if you have many background programs on.

Then look for drivers. Reinstall Gpu driver (ie install driver manually and then click on Reinstall)

Can also look in the Device Manager, if all devices are recognized correctly.