I've been playing fortnite for a while. But 1 1/2 weeks ago it started with the Fps Drops, at first I thought it would be the game, but now that happens to me often. Maybe someone can help me?
Cpu i7 4790k (4.4ghz)
mainboard, ASUS Maximus Ranger Vii
msi gtx 980 4GB
16gb ram
Check if you use the correct resolution, so full screen and (probably) 1920x1080. Otherwise I can't think of anything
Had full screen in the window, does that make a difference?
Sounds like the room is full. Look how full the Ram is playing.
Of course RAM
If this is full, how do I fix it?
First you'll see if nothing else open if so ---> close everything you do not need. Eig one should get along with 16gb RAM easily.