Graphics card replaced afterwards no picture on both graphics cards?

- in Hardware

After video card exchange no picture?
Hello first, I bought an Asus strix rx vega 64 and installed it in my PC. Everything went green now had to download drivers and everything went normal. After that I wanted to test first game directly what she has on it. Then I started fortnite and in grafic settings i clicked on auto and the PC went off. When I started it was not a success then I turned off the power and turned it back on again with black image. Everything goes normal but no picture. But after I switched the graphics card back to the old one, it did not work, so the monitors did not react. Lighting and fans work.


AMD ryzen 5 2600 not oc

Mainboard Asus strix b350 f BIOS updated

16gb g. Skill tridentz rgb

Graphics card: Asus strix rx vega 64

Power supply: Be quiet power 9 600w

I would be very happy about some reasonable answers, thanks in advance.


Either you have grilled the PCIe slot on the motherboard - or you have your power supply broken somehow or this has given up the ghost.

Alternatively, you can also test how it behaves if you assign only one RAM slot - both bars alternately, in different RAM slots. If there's something wrong, then maybe just one of the RAM bars is broken and just happened to give up at this time.


The monitor is okay?


Yes, have 2 and no one leaves


So when I got one out he went and then I did it the other way and now both of them do not go and do not light up either


The 1 ram bar is ok


I once had the same problem because the PCI Express power connection was not fixed properly.


Does the PC start now?


Yes, he does thank you 😊