How Much Should a Gaming Pc Cost?

- in Hardware

How much should a gaming pc cost? (For e.g. Rocket League, Rainbow Six Siege, Fall Guys, (GTA 5), Fortnite etc.)

Ranges from 500 euro to 650 euro + monitor and mouse around 150 euro

or do you prefer a console?

Important: Have a laptop to work with and sometimes / at the moment play more on the Xbox One S.


500-600 are pretty good for putting something neat together. Provided you assemble it yourself.


500 euro is easily enough for a future-proof gaming PC. In addition, you have many more options on the PC than on the console.
Here is a compilation for 600 euro:


Console = gaming

PC = gaming + work + internet

If you take a look at what the console gives you for 500 euro and want to compare that with a 500 euro PC, that's not exactly fair.
The PC costs at least twice as much for "the same console performance", but it also offers a lot more!

It should also be noted that the PC needs a lot more power for certain games than the console.
The games of the console are only designed / programmed for this console, so the software can access the hardware perfectly and utilize it perfectly

Every PC game has to run on all PCs in the world and has not been adapted for specific hardware! So many games do not run well on PCs

Invest in a PC that you can upgrade over the years so that you can make ends meet and play all games in the future!


Gaming PC is enough for a while, until then you can save again.

Seen in this way with the console, you have to pay for online gaming etc. In addition, you can't upgrade that easily, you have to upgrade to the next gen. Waiting.

The PC enjoys lots of advantages, you can gamble, work and use the Internet, you don't have to pay to play online and you can simply upgrade. I have a 1300 euro PC, in 4 years I will probably have to upgrade something, by then you will have enough money.


So if you assemble it yourself then it would be 800 euro for the PC itself, then maybe a 144hz monitor for about 180 euro and a good PC.

Keyboard cost me 50 euro and mouse 15 euro.

At all I paid a little more than 1000 and am more than satisfied.