- in Hardware

Whenever I play Fortnite or update it happens that the bluescreen "MEMORY_MANAGEMENT" comes up in front of my nose, I don't know why I've already tried a few things but nothing helped.
Specs: 32 GB Ram (2 Ram slots in the PC and 2 Rab sticks 16 GB each) CPU Ryzen 7 3800X, GPU 1660 Super


"MEMORY_MANAGEMENT" are errors caused by the RAM.

Normally this means that some memory cells in the RAM no longer function properly.

In this case, you can often only change the RAM.

To roughly test the RAM you can use Use.


I did that before and WIndows said it was a mistake but didn't say which one and I should contact the "Pc Anbierter" or something


There are also programs like Memtest that test all of the RAM. However, this takes up to 24 hours, depending on the speed of the memory.

If only one memory stick was damaged, you could continue to use the other without any problems.

The easiest way is of course to remove a RAM bar and see if the problem occurs again. If so, use the other memory stick.

If the problem still occurs, you will unfortunately have to buy new RAM.

Windows blue screens? Al Alexa9884