PC for Gmod, Fortnite and CSGO?

- in Hardware

Hi, I wanted to ask if it's worth it. B. To buy a Pc for 300 euro with Apu, and then with a Rx 580 8GB GDDR5 in a month or so upgrade, I want to initially only something like GMOD and CS GO gamble, foetnite on all the lowest settings and stretched should the box I think I'll pack

Therefore, I wanted to ask if I should buy the hardware realz 300 euro Pc and then with ner RX 580 should retrofit, please no answers with SPAR, SPAR, SPAR.


I mean, you can wait a month?


Yes, I mean, since I want to play GMOD for the time being anyway, I ask if a box like that grabs.


I think that would do that because Gmod does not need an extremely good graphics card but it could come to small hangers