High End Gaming PC still little FPS

- in Hardware

I have the following problem I had an i7 3gen. With a GTX 980 I played 1080P on a 144hz monitor and always had around 200FPS at MAX with BFBC2, CSGO. And at Fortnite about 80 to max

now i have built a new one with a ryzen 5 2600x (3600 is coming) and an RX 5700 XT which is actually germanic faster and i'm now playing on a 1440P monitor 1440P clearly it needs more power and still with fortnite i have now Max approx. 110 + FPS are 30FPS more Plus 1440P so on 1080P I would definitely have over 50 / 60Fps more but now comes on CSGO and BFBC2 Eg I only have 120FPS approx. I don't understand that although I should easily get to the 200 … BFBC2 I also put down 1080p or settings even on low it makes little difference the hardware is not at all overworked actually I don't know further I think maybe you can set it somewhere or something?


What kind of memory have you installed…

1 or 2 modules -> if 2, do they also run in the dual chanel?

at what speed is the working memory specified and does it run with it… XMP loaded?


BFBC2 can probably get little out of the hardware. Don't forget how old the game is ^^ and 1440p is an announcement, that's twice as many pixels as 1080p. For the same FPS results with the same details, the card must have 100% more power, but it does not. So your results are fine.


I assume you have reinstalled Windows? If not, you should do that.

Otherwise, set all energy options in windows and graphics drivers to "maximum performance".


Yes are in the dual channel 16 ddr4 2800 XMP I have to look but the funny thing is only with games where it should run smoothly it is so with fortnite where eg more demands were made on the hardware runs 1a


Yes, but with fornite I have more German FPS despite 1440P and with German less there's something wrong and on youtube or bench when I look at the hardware what I have on games that can also do more German than the csgo with just that little fps runs it should be over 200fps loud because test or youtube videos everyone had well over 200 … And as I said now with bfbc2 on low settig AA everything made up to 1080P about 25 fps more?


Driver installed? Unnecessary background processes? What about modern games? XMP loaded at RAM? Internet?

Can be due to a lot: /


I just reset Windows. OK where exactly can I do all this on which programs? What I could do is reinstall the graphics card driver, just installed nothing, installed Windows 10, just looked at the version at MSI afterburner and it is the most current, so I left it at that


Graphics driver has windows itself installed but the most current one but I install it myself from the amd side, Ram run in the dual channel but just look to see if XMP is loaded Internet is actually ok modern games I have no installer now to test bf3 and apex


Maybe VSync is on at CSGO?


The FPS may be limited to 120fps with vsynk or other settings


I'm not sure if ALL of the old chip drivers are gone during a reset.

I personally would download the current Windows build and reinstall it with such a hard platform change. Then install the current driver from the manufacturer's website of the graphics card (AMD).


No, it is very strange with bf3, for example, I have 110FPS on ultra 1440P and 110fps when I set it to low. As if the cpu were at the limit, but what can't be the 2600x is enough and it is about 60 percent load in game let's see on the weekend i get a new board and 3600 times to see if something happens


You can also be at the CPU limit with 10% CPU utilization… The 60% are therefore not an indicator of whether the CPU is the limiting factor here


The ram has dual channel in the bios and with XMP I can only do auto or profile 1 currently profile 1 is loaded


Then this shouldn't be the problem… Difficult to say what the problem is… Maybe the CPU is not really tacking up… Can't say from a distance

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