240hz monitor and high FPS pay, but why does it feel like it is lagging?

- in Hardware

I have a Ryzen 7 3700x and an RTX 2060Super, mainly I play Fortnite and Apex Legends. I have a 240hz screen and Fortnite feels damn laggy on very low settings, despite the full fps number, as if I have laggs / stutters. I've already tried everything

Windows set up again
Drivers all reinstalled
Plug changed

I noticed that a week ago I hadn't even set up an XMP profile, then of course I did it immediately, it also felt like a success, but it only lasted for a day. I desperate, any tips?


Freesync switched on?


You must first set in Windows that your monitor should run at 240hz. https://www.tutonaut.de/anleitung-120-bzw-144-hertz-monitore-unter-windows-10-korrekt-einstellen/ This should help


No, that makes it worse.


Does your monitor have gsync?


I've already done it.


Yes, already tried it, felt the worst.


No plan what you're doing wrong when I turn on gsync everything is dead smooth

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