Upgrade PC?

- in Hardware

I have the following problem

Unfortunately, my PC can no longer handle all games perfectly, so that worked for a while, but not anymore. Games like Fortnite or Dead by Daylight don't run smoothly (sometimes jerk like crazy) and Assassin's Creed Origins, which I bought, runs unplayably jerky on the lowest graphic settings. Now to my question:

Should I upgrade my PC? And if so, what?

The first thing I thought of was a new graphics card. I currently have an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960.

The PC is now a good 4-5 years old (roughly). Does upgrading still make sense? Should I maybe look for a new one?


Better buy a new one


If it jerks definitely. But we have to know exactly what the pc is to say what's new. So which CPU, Ram, GPU, etc. Is installed


It would be good to know what exactly is built into your system. Given the age of the system, a complete new purchase makes sense.

Opinion on the pc? Sh Shrimp55
Complete PC upgrade? cu cultured966
Upgrade gpu or cpu? St StopwatchCancer