Which power supply do I need for my computer, as it sometimes just goes out when I play?

- in Hardware

I have a computer with the following data:

i7 920 CPU
Radeon R9 graphics card
450w power supply

I have two screens and play mostly Fortnite, League of Legends and COD Warzone.

With COD, it is irregular that it goes out when playing, always at the point when the aircraft appears on the screen and you then have a view of the aircraft.

According to the tracking program, the CPU's are often used at 99%, which is why I ordered an i7 980x.

My guess is that the hardware uses too much power. If so, which power supply would I consider?

I read a little smart for Corsair power supplies & have the VS550w in view.
Can that make a difference or can I prevent the problem in another way?


Power supply is sufficient.


Thanks for the information. Now I have two contradicting answers 😂

anyway thanks for the hint. The rating is very good.

What would a 600w power supply have of an advantage from a 500w?


Now I have two contradicting answers 😂

Is it really enough or does it make new sense?


Well what power supply do you have because 450watt power supply is not enough as info


It is enough. The system would swallow around 300W at full load.


Can it be that your CPU overheats and switches off as protection. I had it once.