Windows 10 high CPU usage for no reason?

- in Hardware

I upgraded from win 7 to 10 a few days ago. But when I look at my processes, about 20 percent are just for nothing, nothing is displayed. When I play Fortnite I have 70 to 90 percent CPU usage and now always 100 percent

since i got win10 i5 3470


There's no 20% for anything. What does the task manager say (detailed view), what are the 20% used for?


So there's only now modern warfare 65 percent, the rest is 0 percent


Windows 10 high CPU usage for no reason?
I upgraded from win 7 to 10 a few days ago.

This rarely works well.

If so, it would be better not to upgrade directly to Windows 10 but by upgrade. This means additional effort. If data should still be backed up, you should do this immediately!

Then completely delete Windows on the hard drive.

And reinstall Windows 10 directly.

If that's too much for you, you can switch to a Linux distribution after data backup. Fornite can also be played on it and you have all the important programs with you for free.

In the Documentation section you will find all the instructions on how to install it, create a boot medium from the ISO file, etc. And everything is free!


I do not understand. You wrote earlier that it is 20 percent even though nothing is going.

If MW uses 65% and the rest 0, what's the problem?


Yes and my CPU utilization was at 85 percent, sorry I hadn't written it in


Once, congratulations that you didn't end up in the driver's hell.

Windows 10 as an upgrade is always a little risky but if it works then it works.

You had this 20 percent before with certainty only that Win7 had not displayed it. Meanwhile, Win10 is so full of background processes that I'm not surprised. I always have 10-20 percent if nothing happens and I have a new installation.

Don't worry so much that when you play a game the load increases to 100 percent. Windows 10 simply uses all the power your PC has to offer the best performance.

But believe me, if you go further into the matter and get the first problems with Windows because it can't do something or a game closes automatically without an error message, keep your nerve. This is Windoof 10.

So my experience so far.


An increased background load is completely normal after a major update / upgrade. After the installation there's a lot of small things to do for the system. Virus scans, optimizations, minor updates, etc. Windows is now an intelligent system (even if you occasionally doubt it). It tries to evaluate your preferences and processes and to adapt.

Since your processor is rather weak, a fifth of the total performance can be used. After a few days, this load drops.

In addition, your hard drive is still filled with the legacy of Windows 7. Win 10 keeps a return option to the old system open. The backup of the old system can easily take up 25GB and force Win 10 to place the swap files in slower areas of the hard disk, which also slows down the system.

In addition, your hard drive should be quite fragmented. Windows tries to eliminate the fragmentation in the background, which turns out to be quite expensive thanks to the legacy issues.

You do not have such problems with a complete reinstallation on an empty hard drive.

Actually, if you don't want to completely reinstall, you can only do a full You should brush away everything that is left of Win 7. Then defragment.

I can only advise against any tweakers and optimization programs. These works usually against the windwows10 own order and force Window to further own optimizations, a vicious circle.

I personally would recommend you to start from scratch. Delete all system partitions and install Win10 totally clean. Let Windows work for a few hours (with a LAN connection). If everything has come to rest and is working, have the system cleaned up.

! Especially with older hardware stay away from drivers that were released before September 2019!

Let Windows10 have its own drivers, they are ok, even if some FPS Hansel want to tell you something else.

… And you already have a really fast and slim system.

Then optionally install things like Dirctx9c for older games and the appropriate VisualCruntimes.

Then you can install your games…

I have equipped much older processors with Win10 and everything went perfectly. However, you have to be patient with the not quite fresh technology.


There's definitely a reason. It may A. There are busy Windows service hosts.
Wait a few more days, then the necessary win updates are installed.
Then it normalizes.


Task Manager → "Details" tab → click on the "CPU" column (possibly 2x, so that it is sorted in descending order). There must be what the 85% goes for.


So first I would like to thank you for this detailed answer, I made win10 on a usb stick, booted with the stick and completely deleted the hard drive where Windows comes on, do you think that's enough? I will wait a few days and see if it gets better thanks again for the detailed answer.


Okay thanks.


For a few days now mw has been crashing, not playing at Fortnite and others. When I open Spotify or Discord, for example, my system is so slow while I have Fortnite open that is just extremely annoying


I don't know much about that. Maybe we can both talk about it via discord


Can we make. Here is my Discord; taqi # 3388