240 FPS at Fortnite Endgame?

- in Hardware

I have assembled my PC myself with high end components but I still do not reach 240fps as standard. Can jmd help me there?


Ram 4x8 DDR4 3600
MSI RTX 2080 TI Trio
ASUS ROG Z350 (mainboard)
Corsair 850X (gold)
M.2 Seage 1TB

Fortnite settings

Everything to a minimum or switched off except for something epic

Driver graphics card and Windows pro all up to date? Can it be due to the layout? Or does someone know why I don't always reach the 240fps?


Maybe gsync or something?

FPS limit?


Thank you for your reply Simon, I have limited the game and monitor settings to 240.

What do you mean by gsync


Can you never reach 240FPS or just not in the endgame?


Dear Dratlos. Thank you for your message, but basically have 240FPS but as soon as opponents come the fps fall to 120-150 endzone and others. Even deeper. My previous PC was just as good and cost 1500.- rtx 2060 super and ryzon 7 2gen


Dear Dratlos. Thank you for your message, but basically have 240FPS but as soon as opponents come the fps fall to 120-150 endzone and others. Even deeper. My previous PC was just as good and cost 1500.- rtx 2060 super and ryzon 7 2gen


This is (unfortunately) quite normal. There's nothing you can do about it and even players with the best hardware have this problem. In real endgames (30+ opponents in the 50/50 zone) my frame rate is often below 150FPS.


Okay thank you Get in touch if you feel like playing one.


Sure, what's your name in Fortnite?



Fortnite nervousness? Ga Gatlinnathalia
Fortnite 240 fps constant? Pa PatioStranger35