Is it possible to get more than 240 fps in fortnite?

- in Hardware

I don't want to have more than 240 fps but just wanted to ask out of curiosity because I thought that a monitor could only get a maximum of 240 fps and it is possible to get more than 240 fps in other games


Why would you need something like that? Of course, that's awesome, but from 144 FPS everything is as fluid as possible


Of course this is possible (as long as no VSync, frame rate limiter etc. Is active)


I don't need it either just wanted to ask out of curiosity. I don't know about it so well yet


Yes, with the right settings and the right hardware, this is certainly possible 😉


Most monitors can only display 60fps. For 144fps you need a gaming monitor with 144 Hertz and for 240fps you need a monitor that can display that.