Still images and stuttering despite very good PC, why?

- in Hardware

In the beginning, I just play Fortnite and I do not know if it's the same in other games.

Next up is my system: Windows 10 Pro; 16GB dual ram; GTX 1080 MSI; Ryzen 7 1700 Eight Core Processor 3.00 GHz; 240Hz monitor

Fortnite is installed on an M2 of Samsung 250GB.

I think it's an above-average setup. But now the problem. Every time I play and it comes to melee, the picture stops several times for a few milliseconds and the fps fall to 0-20 (I usually play with 240-270 fps and have an average of 3-20 ping).

I have already watched many different FPS Boost videos, Windows optimized, graphics card overclocked, Fortnite settings low. Everything imaginable I have done, temp folder deleted, Fortnite reinstalled, priority of Fortnite increased, everything else closed, even the boost of Razer Cortex used, power plan for high end PCs, background processes closed, video drivers and Windows updated, etc., etc.

Anyway, it jerks quite a bit and you are no longer able to properly shoot or even play.

Does anyone have any ideas to fix the problem? It should be added that a few months ago I had viruses on my PC, which I removed with the help of Eset.

Would it bring something back to reset my PC? Or something else?

Thanks to everyone who takes time for me! And of course, thank you for every answer!


So reset a pc after you had viruses on it is actually a matter of course.


Test if it is synonymous with other games.


My virus program has said that everything is cleaned and my PC is safe again. Is it still advisable to reset it?


Change to Bitdefender, because Eset is not very good and do not play too low, because FPS drops are very common.




If I read the comments here, I get eye cancer… That's the new Season X, not your PC! Pretty much everyone has a problem with the stuttering and low FPS, which is not 100% on your PC!