PC crashes while streaming (AMD Setup)?

- in Hardware

I bought a new PC a week ago. Here everything that is installed in my PC.

Ryzen 7 2700x with box cooler and not overclocked

RX Vega 64 Nitro +

X470 MSI motherboard

600Watt Bequiet Bronze + 80 power supply

16GB 3200MHz GSkill memory

Windows 10 Pro

So now the problem.

When I start Fortnite while streaming my Fortnite crashes and I get the OBS no bitrate so my stream then crashes. This happens after 30 minutes, after an hour or after 5 hours. It always varies and I just do not know why. On the last crash, my graphics card was 40 degrees, my processor was 70 degrees, and my memory was only up to 11Gb. By the way, it does not matter which settings I play / stream. This happens at very high settings and at very low settings.


I think it is the power supply that is probably too weak as far as the graka must work hard increases the power consumption and goes out due to overload for safety reasons.

Can be something else too


I think then the whole PC should just go out and not just crash the programs.


Open the Task Manager and follow it while streaming. Then send me the results.


Power supply too weak. Get a 650W PSU with Gold Certifications.

Wrong OBS settings? Em Emersyn1