Pc always crashes, is it because of that?

- in Hardware

Namely, I have built a PC with my buddy, but has its weaknesses:

Under load, TimeSpy means and Fortnite crashes the PC. The picture freezes for a moment and then restarts automatically.

We have already done the cpu z stress test of the cpu no crash. Timespy crashes as I said, but the PC has managed a total of three runs.

We first suspected that it is the power adapter, but that should not be over 80% busy.

The PC had not recognized the M2 ssd at the very beginning, we had to switch to the second slot.

We have not changed the software, I only activated the XMP profile and tried to overclock the KFA2 graphics card with their One Click Oc software (download file was broken).

When you turn on the graphics card called on a black screen is this normal?

In addition, we have some error codes which appear in the result list.

Kernel event tracker

Kernel boot system

Device Setup

These are the ones that occur most often.

Here is the link to the PC: https://www.mindfactory.de/...9b7440a68e


How hot is the PC?


You can handle everything well, so are 40-50 in all parts


Touching is not a helpful test. Download the free Open Hardware Monitor and check how hot your CPU gets.

In idle, about 50 ° C is the upper limit. Under load about 80 ° C.

I had a similar problem a few months ago. My CPU was not cooled properly and the thermal grease was dehydrated. As a result, I had temperatures of almost 100 ° C.


Can be that the RAM has a loose connection?


Two things you should first test before it goes on…

on the one hand → deactivate the XMP profile and test it with the "slow standard bag"

and second of course also remove the OC from the graphics card…

→ OC comes to the end when you know that the PC is working properly and XMP is one of them… And then always one by one:-)

also the cooling / temperatures should be monitored under load… If the CPU or GPU is over 90-100 burrs, it will not work…

best also uninstall the same KFA2 software and load the latest driver at NVidia
