Fortnite crashes due to Overwolf?


I have the problem that Fortnite always crashes when Overwolf is open. If Overwolf is not open, Fortnite starts without any problems. In addition, I get no error message if Fortnite crashes, but EpicGames just opens and I can start Fortnite again. I've already uninstalled and reinstalled Fortnite and Overwolf. Does not bring anything.

Hm hmd. Can help me.


Is there an error report or a log file somewhere that you could check?


Where can I find them at fortnite?


C: \ Users "windows_login_name" \ AppData \ Local \ FortniteGame \ Saved \ Crashes \


Could you play in the past or have you just tried it?


Yes, I used to be able to play while overwolf was open and used. Replay HUD and Game Summary


Then, by the way, please open the Task Manager then go to Performance and tell me the utilization of CPU and memory


Just before it crashed I had a CPU utilization of 75% and a memory usage of 72%


I just flew over, but found nothing to a crash. Overwolf is not mentioned either.
Does both crash at the same time? So Fortnite and Overwolf, or just one of them?
And you said something about an error message, could you say what was there?


Yes but games should always be installed on the HDD, the skill remains because they installed Windows on the SSD so try it.

If you have any questions, I'm at your disposal.

Please wait the question!


Only Fortnite does not crash from Overwolf. And unfortunately there's no error message. You must have read yourself.


Ok then I'll try that out.


With pleasure.

If you have any questions, I'm at your disposal.

Please rate the question!


Yes, you are right, have read me.
As I said, unfortunately I can't find anything in the log file that indicates a crash.
How does Fortnite behave when Overwolf is closed and you only start it while Fortnite is already open? Does it eventually crash anyway, or does it stay stable?
And have you always had the error or only recently?


I'll try that out as soon as I've reinstalled it. I'll write you then