Fortnite crashes while starting, what to do?

- in Hardware

Since 4 days fortnite always crashes when I'm in the loading screen just before the lobby. When the loading screen starts, my PC makes a noise and when the noise stops Fortnite crashes. I reinstalled / updated the graphics card driver, reinstalled fortnite and it didn't work. Can someone help me. (my pc: rtx 3060ti, ryzen 5 5600x, 16 GB corsair vengeance LPX RAM, 650 watt power supply, mainboard: MSI b550 gaming plus)


What kind of sound is it exactly? Maybe you can record the sound and send it as MP3 via an uploader like Mega?


I'm away from my PC this weekend and I can't absorb it. It's such a relatively high-pitched hum.


I could record the sound tomorrow night.


With pleasure.
Humming sounds more like the fan, but let's see. Can you then also look in the Task Manager to see how the components are being used? install afterburner times and look at the temperature of the GPU. So we can see whether the humming is really coming from the fan.