Fortnite crashes on PC?

- in Hardware

Almost every time I play Fortnite it crashes!
I get into the game very late when I get ready. That means that when I play with friends they are there earlier and I only get on the bus. My bus is about 3 seconds ahead of my friends and when I press spacebar to jump out I hear the jump out sound but my monitor hangs.
Therefore I can only land 3 minutes later. At the beginning of the game (in the first 10 minutes) it hangs very bad and I can't play properly! As the game progresses, it gets better, if it ever happens. Most of the time it crashes while I land or shortly after! (Picture below) My PC is actually good for gaming. I've tried several things but nothing worked.

I would be happy to get answers!


Tried to reinstall?


The first solution is always to reinstall. Before you try this, try lowering your graphics settings. If the problems still persist, try the reinstall. Although not playing Fortnite is always best.


Yes I have already tried but nothing has changed


Ok thank you I tried the reinstallation but there was no improvement. I'll try that with the graphics right away


After that I'm finished with my Latin and hope that someone else has a helpful answer. The last resort would be Fortnite support


Thank you very much


Thank you so much it has gotten MUCH better! It's not perfect yet, but I'm still very grateful to them! So was it my graphics card?


I'm glad to hear that. I can't tell you exactly why. However, it is very conceivable that your hardware is simply not good enough.