Gaming Pc?

- in Hardware

Am a girl and want a gaming PC where I can play Fortnite with 60 fps. And write for applications

I can't assemble a PC, but I have a coupon code of 10%

Is this Pc worth the price?

Or what do you mean? With 15 Euro new customer discount + 10% I pay a bit more than 500 …

Was at Media Markt, there was this PC 650Euro


He is not worthwhile in the least.

Why can't you assemble your PC yourself?


Look at this PC once:
The store is extremely trusted and operated by a former technology creator. The systems have a good P / L ratio and are definitely one of the best ready PCs on the market.


Why former?

HardwareRat has not stopped with Youtube ^^


Right! But it is not as active as it used to be. Maybe it's bad. In my opinion, he was the leading PC creator, today there are more active ones. Was just badly expressed!


For gaming you would have much more of that:

Otherwise he will be in proportion if you get him for <520 euro.
On Dubaro you would get a similar one for the same price, which can be better upgraded. (Okay, you would have to buy Windows then and install it yourself)


If he does not have much to do, he will probably become more again.


Yes, the shop requires a lot of work and because of the move, he has no time and especially no studio currently or until now.

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