I know, the price / performance ratio is miserable. However, my buddy wants to buy only at Otto. Really does not ask me why, I can't understand it either.
I still want to ask if you can access this Pc: https://www.otto.de/...=784233267
these games can play well:
Gta 5
Minecraft with good shader
Call of Duty black ops 3/4
How many FPS do you have?
What do you expect? There's a 2070 rtx inside that is a few months old
and you come here to play with the over 5 years old
what do you think if you can play the games well?
I have no idea about PCs. What should I think great about this? The only thing I know is that the otto has no good prices for PCs.
Why should I ask the question otherwise?
Aso… Yes RTX 2070 is the latest graphics generation… The world
So yes, the games will all run on it
and yes the pc is overpriced…
if you know what you get for the money is better…
but the pc is good.
You could also just click on the reviews on the Ottoseite
there are 5 stars and 66 experience reports
Look at mifcom or something