Every game crashes after 2 minutes?

- in Hardware

I have had a problem for 3 days that I can't load my PC.

For the first time it was in the middle of playing Fortnite that the game just crashed. Back then, it was so that I could play for 1 hour and then it crashed. Now it happens every 2 minutes.

The game has freezes just before it crashes and then it comes to the taskbar that an error has occurred and the game crashes.

I can easily do other things besides gaming.

I have a GTX1050 2gb and i5 7400. The graphics card was overclocked to 1.3Ghz Core Clock and 4Ghz Memory Clock and actually ran 4 benchmarks without any problems. The map was never above 82 degrees I suspect.

I hope you can help me and say that the graphics card is not broken.


Save your overclocking data and first reset to stock and test. Just because a benchmark goes through does not mean that it is stable.


If the PC gets too hot, it would normally go out completely and not just crash the game.

Are all drivers up to date and is this only the case with Fortnite or with all games?


It had worked with benchmarks, which no longer works.


All drivers are up to date and it is the same everywhere.

I only tested 3d mark and Fortnite but before that it was 3d mark


If you have such problems you can first look at what you have installed just before you had the problems. Often it can be antivir. Otherwise load core temp, so you can watch how hot your cpu will be. Overclocking graphics cards also often leads to problems, even if they are already overclocked by default. So bring it back to baseclock. If cpu is too hot, vlt will renew the paste or get a new cooler. If both are unsuccessful, simply re-set pc. So delete everything and set up Windows again. If the pc is on the desk put the vlt on the floor because you vlt get too excited and hit the table which gives the pc a freeze. LG


4Ghz memory clock

I think this is questionable, https://geizhals.de/...62106.html has a memory clock of 1750Mhz. You may have grilled something there.