Intel Pentium Quad Core Processor N4200?

- in Hardware

Hi, I have a laptop: Intel Pentium Quad Core Processor N4200 Aspire 3 from Acer, do you know if it's good? So for doing homework and playing Roblox, he's perfect, but to play Fortnite?


Why do you even ask?

You can have a look at the minimum requirements?
Or just try it out?

You definitely won't have fun.


In VGA 640 * 480 it should be playable, stable over 24fps


The current minimum requirements for Fortnite, for the processor is the next bigger brother of the Pentium, the Core i3, with at least 3.3GHz with 2 cores, and 4 threads.

What is completely unknown, however, is the graphics card is even more crucial. At least one Intel HD 4000 is required. The Pentium has an HD 505 graphic, which is lower in terms of performance.

The Acer Aspire 3, at least that I found spontaneously, do not have a dedicated graphics card.

So Fortnite is more like a slide show than running smoothly.