My pc is overheating?

- in Hardware

Last time I realize that my pc is overheating and running wild. I have the cool master box lite rgb housing that unfortunately has a very bad airflow. When I play some round fortnite, my system reaches 75 degrees. When I was in the bios I found out that my housing fans only work at 7.3 volts. In bios, I can't do it faster. Basically, the fans do nothing, because if I hold my hand in front of them, I realize that there's hardly any air. Can I somehow make the fans faster, because if I gamble a little longer, I notice that my system is runtertacktet and I get up to 80 fps less in fortnite.


Clean PC inside, remove dust.

install new, stronger case fan.


FX 8 Kerner?


Clean the PC completely, replace the thermal compound, install sensible fans.


No, a ryzen 5 3600


What brings a stronger case fan to install if they do not even run at full power. The BIOS shows that my fans are running at 7.2 volts


I understood you so that the existing fan can no longer…