Do I have a bottleneck?

- in Hardware

I recently upgraded my Gtx 750ti to a Gtx 1060 3GB GDDR5 and also with the 750ti it ran well to a stable 60 fps in Fortnite jz but since I got the new one I even get 144 fps but sometimes it jerks I wonder why I play on the lowest settings my components:

i5 2500 3.3 GHz

8gb ram ddr3

GTX 1060 Turbo 3gb Gddr5

I think I have a bottleneck otherwise I couldn't explain the lagg I thank you in advance for your answers


Depends on the ram and the CPU


It could be a bottleneck, but are all drivers up to date? Graphics card driver uninstalled and installed the new graphics card?


Yes, drivers are up to date, thanks for the answer


On the one hand, your CPU is really thin, it manages to supply the GPU with enough data, on the other hand, your slimmed-down GTX1060 only has 3GB VRAM and of course other clock speeds than a real GTX1060.


Hmm yes that's true but with a Gtx 750ti 2gb I was able to pack Fortnite well


The GPU probably didn't have to wait for the CPU either.


Okay thank you the answers


Exactly, your CPU is too slow. When there's not so much going on on the map, the CPU creates 140 images.

With a lot of action, however, the CPU may only manage 60 pictures. Then the graphics card has to wait all the time until new INFO finally comes from the CPU.

You can turn up all graphics settings that do not require any performance from the CPU, because the graphics card is fast enough.

Otherwise you will have to upgrade the CPU at some point, but you will also need a new mainboard and new DDR4 RAM.


Thank you the answer was very helpful.

Bottleneck? sa santana3
Pc upgrade? Le Leaddungeon
12% bottleneck bad? ac accordionamanda
Is that a bottleneck? Ju Jurnee1441