Is that a bottleneck?

- in Hardware

When I play Fortnite I have 30% load on the CPU and 100% on the GPU and I wanted to ask if that's a bottleneck.


Fortnite is very GPU-heavy with me processor is always at 20-25% and the GPU at 70-80%


It would be ideal if everything was used 100%.




Uh? Otherwise you have a loss of performance.


: /


I would not call it a bottleneck. Your graphics card is limited by your Internet bandwidth, and in a certain way, the Fortnite servers are also very close to the limit when you play a lot of PVP games Graphics card then still makes 100% load → on the other hand, it can also be that you still have many applications in the background in your Windows 10, which the graphics card also has to calculate because all windows are the programs even if the windows are minimized Doesn't matter a little over is always at the expense of your LG graphics card from the BlackFox2000, it's a shame that I couldn't help you, but your question is too rudimentary:-).


Is in the benchmark at fhd resolution avg 140 fps good?


AVG stands for average frame that is only the mean value of how many triangles, i.e. Frames, images per second are broken at an FPS rate X, I take 60 FPS if you want even higher FPS rates, you should want a good graphics card cooling, the graphics card can be fast get hot at higher FPS rates in FurMark you have a great evening.

Bottleneck? sa santana3
Pc upgrade? Le Leaddungeon
12% bottleneck bad? ac accordionamanda
Do I have a bottleneck? He HeavenlyLouis